About Gavin Rowden
On many sites this might be called the 'bio' page, so if you are wondering who is this Gavin Rowden, read on...
Having started researching my family history in the mid 1980s I spent the next 10 years in many record offices. Domestic email or internet was not readily avaiable and reserach was slow and time consuming. In the mid 90s with advent of the internet in homes, I realised how much might be achieved through a website and this site was born. As a result I have made contact with many Rowden relatives, distant, both geographically and in terms of generations. More recently I have had the benefit of meeting a number of those email originators but many are names in a database or address book.
For those who I am unlikely ever to have the privilege of meeting, this page allows you to find out a little more about the creator of the Rowden Surname website.

After schooling, I trained as an Aeronautical Engineer serving an undergraduate apprenticeship in the aviation industry. Shortly after completing my apprenticeship I was selected for pilot training by British Airways and qualified two years later. I flew firstly in General Aviation as an executive pilot and then for the next thirty years with a major UK charter airline including training and management responsibilities.

I live in the UK with my wife. Our four children are all married and we have 11 wonderful grandchildren. Now retired, much of my spare time is taken up with maintaining the house and garden, family history, exercising, rowing, church and flying.
Maybe we will meet one day. Enjoy the site...