Where did they live?
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There are 271 individuals shown in this sept.
Record text key:
Name (Birth/Bapt Year - Death/Buried Year) Birth Place
Spouse - Married Year, Name (Birth/Bapt Year - Death/Buried Year) Marriage Place
• Individuals shown with asterisk (*) are cousins and will have two entries.
• fm = former marriage : lm = later marriage
• Red text denotes updated or new records in the source database since the last update.
However the changes may not be reflected in the information on this page.
• Email links relate to individual or nearest relative.
Updated on 28/03/2024 at 15:17:12
Previous update on 31/12/2019
1 - Robert ROWDEN ( -1752)
m. 1712 Israel UNKNOWN ( -1756) circa
2 - William ROWDEN (1714-1716)
2 - Robert ROWDEN (1715-1715)
2 - Robert ROWDEN (1718-1719)
2 - Henry ROWDEN (1720- )
2 - William ROWDEN (1721-1767)
m. 1746 Mary DYER ( -1789) Broughton, Hampshire
3 - William ROWDEN (1747-1747)
3 - William ROWDEN (1751- )
3 - George ROWDEN (1760-1824)
m. 1790 Elizabeth GRANT (1764-1846) Michelmersh, Hampshire

4 - Sarah ROWDEN (1791- )
4 - Phoebe ROWDEN (1795- )
4 - George ROWDEN (1798- )
4 - George ROWDEN (1800-1858) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1824 Elizabeth GRANT (1800- ) Hound, Hampshire

5 - George ROWDEN (1824-1894) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1859 Emma RANN (1834-1873)

m. 1878 Clara SHAWYER (1834-1888) Dibden, Hampshire

fm. 1865 Edward PRETTY (1830- )
6 - George Edwin ROWDEN (1859-1916) Fawley, Hampshire

m. 1880 Margaret DOUGLAS (1859-1892) Nairn, Scotland
m. 1897 Selina Alice CARNIE (1878-1949) Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
6 - Charles ROWDEN (1861-1943) Dibden, Hampshire

6 - Mary ROWDEN (1863- ) Fawley, Hampshire

7 - William Charles ROWDEN (1883-1883)
7 - Minnie ROWDEN (1888-1888)
6 - Lucy Emma ROWDEN (1864- ) Hythe, Southampton

m. 1903 Charles Ernest HAWTIN (1876- ) Holy Trinity, Paddington, Middlesex
6 - Walter ROWDEN (1866-1937) Fawley, Hampshire

6 - Rose ROWDEN (1869- ) Fawley, Hampshire

6 - Kate ROWDEN (1871- ) Hythe, Hampshire

m. 1896 Albert TWINER ( - )
6 - Laura ROWDEN (1873- ) Dibden, Hampshire

m. 1899 Ernest Frederick PEGG (1875- ) St Paul, Clerkenwell, London
5 - Phebe ROWDEN (1826- )
5 - John ROWDEN (1828-1889) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1854 Lydia KNIGHT (1829-1891) Cathedral, Manchester, Lancashire
6 - George ROWDEN (1848- ) Hume, Manchester, Lancashire
6 - John ROWDEN (1854-1900) Manchester, Lancashire
m. 1886 Winifred DUNN (1854-1900) Ancoats, Lancashire
7 - Ellen ROWDEN (1885-1954) Manchester
7 - Peter ROWDEN (1887-1933) Manchester
m. 1920 Rose A MILLS (1885-1926)
m. 1928 Emily CHADWICK (1892-1967) Rochdale, Lancashire
fm. 1914 John F DUFFY ( - )
8 - Margaret M ROWDEN (1925- )
8 - Winifred ROWDEN (1929- )
m. 1948 Donald POLLIT ( - )
8 - Peter ROWDEN (1930-2011)
m. 1951 Vera HARVEY (1931-2019)
9 - Peter ROWDEN (1955-2004)
m. 1985 Kathryn L HINE ( - )
10 - Matthew Peter ROWDEN (1991- )
9 - Andrew ROWDEN (1962- )
m. 1984 Julie WILSON ( - )
10 - Denise Julie ROWDEN (1980- )
m. 2000 Simon J E CHAFFER ( - )
10 - Aaron Drew ROWDEN (1991- )
7 - Mary Elizabeth ROWDEN (1890-1946) Manchester
m. 1910 Mango MASTRETUCCI ( - ) Ancoats, Lancashire
m. 1918 John CLAYPOLE (1879-1956)
6 - Ann ROWDEN (1857- ) Manchester, Lancashire
m. 1874 George HAYWOOD (1848- ) Manchester, Lancashire
6 - Harry ROWDEN (1859-1927) Openshaw, Manchester, Lancashire
m. 1886 Catherine SIMS (1860-1938) Ardwick, Lancashire
7 - Florence ROWDEN (1886- ) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1912 John GALLAGHER (1892- ) Christ Church, Bradford, Manchster, Lancashire
7 - Lydia ROWDEN (1888-1900) Bradford, Lancashire
7 - Minnie ROWDEN (1890-1890)
7 - Phyllis ROWDEN (1891- ) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1913 William SELBY ( - ) St Paul, Bradford, Manchester, Lancashire
7 - Clara ROWDEN (1893-1971) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1915 James GALLAGHER (1894- ) St Paul, Bradford, Manchester, Lancashire
7 - Harry ROWDEN (1895-1960) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1921 Elsie MARTIN (1898-1936)
8 - Edna ROWDEN (1922-1922)
8 - Elsie ROWDEN (1922- )
m. 1969 George W LUCAS ( - )
8 - Harry ROWDEN (1925-1980)
m. 1945 Alice SMITH (1919-1993)
8 - Irene ROWDEN (1927- )
m. 1952 John CHESTERS ( - )
8 - Alice ROWDEN (1929- )
m. 1950 Francis McGOVERN (1928- )
8 - John ROWDEN (1931-2014)
m. 1956 Mary WHISKER ( - )
9 - Robert J ROWDEN (1957- )
m. 1979 Nancy D KELLY ( - )
10 - Robert John J ROWDEN (1979- )
9 - Stella May ROWDEN (1968- )
m. 1990 Conrad P ASTON ( - )
9 - Jonathan Martin ROWDEN (1971- )
9 - Louisa Mary ROWDEN (1975- )
10 - May Leanne ROWDEN (2000- )
8 - William ROWDEN (1934-2016)
7 - William ROWDEN (1898-1952) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1923 Lilian DAVIES (1897-1985)
8 - Lily ROWDEN (1924-1926)
8 - William ROWDEN (1926-1926)
8 - William ROWDEN (1927-1963)
m. 1953 Muriel FORSYTH ( - )
9 - Paul William Francis ROWDEN (1954-1998)
m. 1986 Anne BYRNES ( - )
9 - Tracy C ROWDEN (1965- )
9 - Ian Philip ROWDEN (1970-2019)

9 - Karl Andrew ROWDEN (1970- )

8 - Phyllis ROWDEN (1929-2014)
m. 1958 Norman McLEAN ( - )
m. 1980 Herbert A BOOTH ( - )
8 - James ROWDEN (1932-2009)
8 - Kathleen ROWDEN (1938- )
m. 1961 John C DUFFY ( - )
8 - Robert ROWDEN (1940-1992)
7 - Frederick ROWDEN (1900-1901) Bradford, Lancashire
7 - James ROWDEN (1902-1921) Bradford, Lancashire
7 - John ROWDEN (1903-1903) Bradford, Lancashire
6 - William ROWDEN (1861- ) Ardwick, Manchester, Lancashire
m. 1881 Mary Ann McNEFF (1862- )
6 - James ROWDEN (1863-1915) Manchester, Lancashire
m. 1896 Jessie CLARKE (1860- )
lm. 1913 Edward ARMSTRONG ( - )
7 - Flora ROWDEN (1890- ) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1915 James WHITBREAD ( - )
7 - Jessie ROWDEN (1892- ) Bradford, Lancashire
7 - John ROWDEN (1894- ) Bradford, Lancashire
m. 1915 Florrie CRITCHLOW (1891-1967) Christ Church, Bradford, Manchester, Lancashire
8 - Alice ROWDEN (1917- )
m. 1945 Charles F TOMLINSON ( - )
8 - Mary Paterson ROWDEN (1921-2002)
m. 1953 John CHAFER ( - )
6 - Elizabeth ROWDEN (1865-1866) Manchester, Lancashire
5 - James Spencer ROWDEN (1829-1919) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1862 Hannah LAWSON (1832-1910) Troy, New York, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, NY, USA

6 - Martha A ROWDEN (1864- ) New York, USA

m. 1885 Frederick E ROSE (1863- ) Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan, USA
6 - George Walter ROWDEN (1865-1960) New York, USA

m. 1890 Marietta DIXON (1871-1928)

7 - Glen ROWDEN (1890-1972) Michigan, USA

m. 1916 Mary E BEACH (1890-1973) Barry, Michigan, United States

8 - Laurence W ROWDEN (1918-1985) Michigan, USA

m. 1941 Catherine UNKNOWN (1920- )
8 - Nellie ROWDEN (1919-1919) Michigan, USA
8 - Hazel A ROWDEN (1922-2000) Michigan, USA

8 - Helen M ROWDEN (1923- ) Michigan, USA

7 - Walter S ROWDEN (1892-1985) Wayland, Allegan Co, Michigan, USA

m. 1909 Ethel JONES (1892-1960)
8 - Annabelle Irene ROWDEN (1919-1919) Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, Michigan, USA
7 - Ray ROWDEN (1899- ) Michigan, USA

m. 1924 Florence Belle KELLEY (1904- ) Jackson, Jackson Co, Michigan, USA
8 - Bettie M ROWDEN (1925- )
8 - Florence June ROWDEN (1929- )
7 - Hazel Marie ROWDEN (1902-1980) Wayland, Allegan Co, Michigan, USA

m. 1923 George Wellington FREY (1893-1967) Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, Michigan, USA
7 - Leona R ROWDEN (1913-1990) Michigan, USA
6 - Frederick W ROWDEN (1872-1939) Hastings City, Barry Co, Michigan, USA

m. 1906 Carrie E FILKINS (1887-1956) Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan, USA

7 - Dorothy Jean ROWDEN (1907-1997)

7 - Roy ROWDEN (1912-1977)

7 - Paul William ROWDEN (1914-1981)

m. 1939 Jessie Gertrude REMMENGA (1913-1974)
6 - James S ROWDEN (1874-1957) Hastings, Barry Co, Michigan, USA

m. 1898 Mary Elizabeth BRINKERT (1880-1940) Grand Rapids, Kent Co, Michigan, USA
7 - Harold Alexander ROWDEN (1900-1972) Michigan, USA

m. 1921 Bertha Louise SIMMONS (1901-1988) Bedford, Calhoun Co, Michigan, USA

8 - Robert Alvin ROWDEN (1924-1978)

m. 1946 Frances PALMER ( - )
m. 1950 Frances J PALMER (1923- ) Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, Michigan, USA
9 - Robert Allen ROWDEN (1947-2012)
m. 1965 Elvie FROST ( - )
10 - Bobbie Jo ROWDEN ( - )
m. Richard McDANIEL ( - )
9 - Phyllis ROWDEN (1953- )
9 - James H ROWDEN (1957- )
9 - Brian K ROWDEN (1959- )
8 - Muriel A ROWDEN (1928- )

m. 1947 Kenneth FREELAND (1929- )
m. 1965 Charles McCARTY (1927- )
7 - Ruth Margaret ROWDEN (1908-1988) Barry Co, Michigan, USA
m. 1927 Marion Andrew ANDERSON (1901-1976)
7 - Mary Elizabeth ROWDEN (1912-2013) Battle Creek, Calhoun Co, Michigan, USA
m. 1935 Douglas Reginald H HARRISON (1898-1962)
m. 1945 Philip McKinley COLLES (1896-1963)
5 - William ROWDEN (1832-1900) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1859 Matilda Jane SHURMAN (1829-1911) Southampton, Hampshire

6 - George ROWDEN (1859-1937) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

m. 1894 Elizabeth UNKNOWN (1860- )

7 - George William ROWDEN (1895-1896)
7 - Burnett ROWDEN (1898-1970) Sholing, Hampshire

m. 1927 Mary C J E SAINSBURY (1903-1962)
8 - Burnett George A ROWDEN (1929-2007)
m. 1955 Audrey Rosina SANGER (1932-2003)
9 - James B ROWDEN (1956- )
m. 1982 Lorraine J TRUSCOTT (1961- )
10 - Susan Jane ROWDEN (1983- )
10 - Jackie Lorraine ROWDEN (1985- )
10 - Gary Mark ROWDEN (1987- )
10 - Peter James ROWDEN (1991- )
m. 1980 Arthur E FARMILOE (1953- )
10 - Mark George ROWDEN (1979- )
m. 2002 Pauline GANDER ( - )
11 - Rosina Audrey K L ROWDEN (2004- )
11 - Harry Albert D ROWDEN (2006- )
9 - Philip M ROWDEN (1962- )
m. 1988 Carol TRUSCOTT ( - )
10 - Michael Colin ROWDEN (1990- )
10 - Phillip George ROWDEN (1992- )
9 - Marie Annette ROWDEN (1970- )
m. 1994 Wayne V GARDINER ( - )
8 - Georgina M E ROWDEN (1932- )
m. 1956 John SLATER ( - )
8 - Peter W H ROWDEN (1939- )
m. 1961 Anne A HAWKES ( - )
m. 1983 Doreen M KINNAIRD ( - )
9 - Karen A ROWDEN (1962- )
9 - Dean P ROWDEN (1963- )
7 - William Henry ROWDEN (1901-1903)
6 - Harry ROWDEN (1861-1915) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

m. 1884 Edith MOGRIDGE (1863-1947) Fulham, London
7 - Edith ROWDEN (1885-1885)
7 - Matilda Jane ROWDEN (1886-1942) Battersea, Surrey
7 - Edith Ann ROWDEN (1888-1926) Wandsworth, London

7 - Florence Ada ROWDEN (1889- ) Wandsworth, London
m. 1912 Alfred John SMITH ( - ) St John Battersea, London
7 - Alice ROWDEN (1891-1891) Wandworth, Surrey.
7 - Harry William ROWDEN (1892-1918) Wandsworth, London
7 - Albert ROWDEN (1895-1895)
7 - Albert ROWDEN (1900-1980)
m. 1931 Marjorie Evelyn A PEARCE (1910-2004)
8 - Angela ROWDEN (1945- )
m. 1971 Alan R DEANS ( - )
6 - Ann ROWDEN (1862- ) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

6 - Alice ROWDEN (1864-1919) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

6 - James ROWDEN (1866-1867) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire
6 - Burnett ROWDEN (1868-1934) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

m. 1891 Mary Jane FENNING (1870-1927) St Faith, Wandsworth, Surrey
+ Emily Eliza PLANNER (1878- )
7 - Mary Jane ROWDEN (1894-1894)
7 - Alice Mary ROWDEN (1895-1895)
7 - Bernard ROWDEN (1898-1898)
7 - Joseph William ROWDEN (1900-1900)
7 - Dorothy ROWDEN (1912- )
7 - Burnett ROWDEN (1914-1987) 37 Newcomen Road, Wandsworth, London
m. 1938 Ada E CAVE (1919-1940)
m. 1975 Violet Muriel DUFFIELD (1913-1996)
fm. 1931 Charles Gordon TROOD (1902-1974)
6 - Kate ROWDEN (1869-1876) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

6 - Grace ROWDEN (1871- ) Sholing, Hound, Hampshire

m. 1897 Charles Albert REEVES (1871- )
6 - Mark ROWDEN (1872-1872)
5 - Walter ROWDEN (1834-1838)
5 - Martha ROWDEN (1837-1840)
5 - Female ROWDEN (1840- )
5 - Ann ROWDEN (1841-1890) Hound, Hampshire

m. 1862 Henry COLES (1836-1891)
4 - Elizabeth ROWDEN (1803- )
3 - Sarah ROWDEN (1762- )